Awhile ago, my friend Athena wrote a facebook note about what she buys and does not buy at the dollar store. As someone on a budget, dollar stores are awesome, and so I thought I'd write my own list of what's worth buying there. This is part my own opinion based on personal experience and part based on general value: what my seem like a great deal may not be if you consider price vs. amount. Finally, this is based on my experiences at Dollar Tree - unlike some "dollar stores" which are really just discount stores, everything at Dollar Tree really is just $1.
So, what to buy? As most people on a budget know, some things it's good to be cheap on, while some things a better-quality or value product is worth the splurge. Overall, though, I've found Dollar Tree to be great for basic household and toiletry items. Here's what I buy, and what I pass on:
Good Buys
Household Goods
Their dish liquids and detergents and laundry detergents have worked well for me, and are great cost savers when compared to purchasing them at a big box store or grocery store. I haven't used any of their other cleaning supplies, and depending on the product, it might be worth spending more elsewhere.
Athena disagreed with me here, saying that she thought Dollar Tree paper towels were too flimsy, but they have suited my needs, as have zip-lock plastic bags.
I've never bought their Tupperware, but it seems to be a good value.
So do many of their home organization goods. I have two mesh laundry bags I bought a few months ago. Admittedly, one has been accumulating holes at the top, but that's probably due to me overfilling it.
Also, lint rollers. And plastic hangers.
Office Supplies
I definitely choose the dollar store over Staples and the like for basic office supplies like pens/pencils, envelopes, etc. Any teachers out there who need to purchase classroom supplies out of their own pocket? Dollar Store to the rescue.
Toothbrushes are definitely a thing to buy at the dollar store! Dollar Tree carries toothbrushes from brands like Colgate, and less familiar brands in packs of two or three.
My hairbrush is also from the dollar store - don't knock it.
Dental floss, mouthwash, and hand soap are also good buys.
The dollar store can be a decent place for gifts, depending on your budget, the recipient, and the occasion. Or for party favors - normally I would spend a bit more on a "nicer" gift, but a mug from the dollar store for that co-worker you feel obligated to get a Christmas gift for? Why not? Also, greeting cards are a great bargain at the dollar store - compare a card for $1 to a $3.99 Hallmark card. At Christmas they have boxes of cards as well.
Pass On:
Most Food Items
My dad once bought a bag of shredded "cheese" from the Dollar Tree. "Cheese" is in quotes because the cheese was so processed as to be less "cheese" than "cheese product", and came complete with a warning that "this product is not intended to melt."
So, yeah, the Dollar Tree does have a large freezer section and a smaller refrigerated section, as well as non-perishable foods, but it's mostly processed crap. I do buy their Arizona Iced Teas, as well as a few other beverages, and their frozen garlic bread isn't all bad. They've got bargains on brand name candy, too. Other than that, though? Pass.
Most Pet Items
Pet toys are fine, and their cat food I've purchased in a pinch, but their pet food is limited and not great quality or value.
Cosmetics, Bath & Body, and Feminine Care, Depending on Personal Preferences
There are some cosmetic and bath and body products I've liked from the dollar store. Nail polish remover? Fine. Their mascara and chap stick suit me fine, too. But their selection of other cosmetics is limited, and, in my experience, not great (tried their nail polish once, but I'd much sooner purchase a moderately-priced brand like Revlon over dollar store stuff).
I don't buy their shampoos either. I usually stick with my $4.00 or so Herbal Essences, but even if I didn't, there are other better deals on shampoo/conditioner out there. For instance, Dollar Tree carries V05, but I found the comparable Suave for only 89 cents a bottle at Target.
Any males reading this who find this TMI or irrelevant, you can skip this paragraph...but I have purchased tampons and pads at the dollar store. However, the boxes are small and they only carry store brands. I think our lady parts are worth more of a splurge.
I do like some of the dollar store body washes and lotions, however.
I would write on what to buy at thrift stores, but I'll buy pretty much anything, minus underwear or swimwear (eww) there.
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