Since the Supreme Court is arguing the Constitutionality of DOMA and California's Proposition 8, and gay marriage is the talk of facebook, I figured it was time to enter the fray and flesh out my thoughts with a blog post. The way I see it, civil marriage is a civil right for ANY two committed adults who wish to share a life together. This is separate from any religious definition of marriage, and would not force religious organizations to bless any union they are opposed to. As a Christian, I differ from many of my brothers and sisters in Christ in believing that God sees the love and commitment behind the vows of marriage rather than the genders of those making the vows, but that's beside the point. What's being debated now is a civil institution existing within a secular and pluralistic society.
So any religious belief with regards to homosexuality is irrelevant to the SCOTUS. Apart from that, the main argument I keep hearing from social conservatives is basically "think of the children," and I don't think it holds up. What are the rights of a child? To be raised in a secure and loving household, yes. To their biological mother and father? Not when such people are often unfit to raise them. To be raised by two parents of the opposite sex, regardless of biology? Again, one's gender has nothing to do with one's fitness to be a parent, and all credible and unbiased studies show that children raised by gay couples fare no differently than children raised by straight couples.

This is Mitt, who is infamous for talking about how 47% of the people think they are entitled to freebies from the government like food and shelter and healthcare.
So apparently people, including children, have no inherent right to the basic necessities of life, but children DO have the right to a mother and a father? A right to be raised by two parents, as long as they are of opposite gender?
Someone's priorities are a little screwed up.
Yes, same-sex couples are marrying under the law in Massachusetts. And same-sex couples are forming partnerships and raising children across America. They aren't going anywhere. All they are asking for is the same civil rights and recognition as opposite-sex couples.
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