Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oh The Places I Need to Go...

There's a mug in my office apparently from the "National Gallery of Caricature and Cartoon Art." Never having heard of such a place, I looked it up and got pretty confused. Apparently it was a part of the Library of Congress back in 2006? Not exactly sure the story, but disappointingly, whatever it was, it doesn't seem to exist anymore. It did get me thinking, however, that I really need to keep track of the places I want to visit or revisit.

I need to revisit the Museum of Visionary Art in Baltimore. Apparently there is also a tattoo museum somewhere in Baltimore that I would like to see.

As far as DC goes, I've been to most of the major Smithsonian museums, many multiple times, but I'm sure that there are many smaller and lesser-known museums, galleries, etc. that I need to check out.

I have yet to go to the Museum of the American Indian. I've actually heard it is kind of overrated, but honestly, I'd like to visit just for the cafeteria full of native foods.

Madame Tussaud's in DC.

Need to revisit the Newseum; I haven't been since it was in Rosslyn.

If I ever get to visit Cleveland-proper (rather than 45 minutes outside the city, where my friend moved), I need to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Not a museum, but there is a giant Bingo hall in Laurel, Maryland that I want to go to.

And that's just off the tip of my head; I'm sure this list will keep growing.

Sometimes I find it sad that, living so close to the nation's capital, I tend to forget how much there is to do in the area beyond the typical tourist sites (that I've been to a million times).

Tomorrow I may head to check out the Cherry Blossoms after work. Spring especially is a good time to be so close to DC.

And this has gotten kind of rambly...but my main point is: way too many places to go, way too little time.

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