That is, the ads. :P.
Yeah, what was up with some of those ads??
The somber tone was not what I was expecting for a football game. First there was the much-talked about Nationwide Dead Kid Ad. I get what they claim to have been going for here (a "conversation" about household safety hazards) but the execution was majorly lacking, and viewers didn't so much see a public child safety message as a manipulative grasp for profit through dead children.
With all the talk of the Nationwide ad, I feel like few people noticed the domestic violence PSA. This definitely threw me for a loop for a second (a woman calls the police and asks for a pizza), but unlike the Nationwide...thing, it was clearly a public service announcement rather than a commerical-with-a-message. And it's certainly a message the NFL needs to address. But, yeah, not the usual tone for a football game...
And somewhere in there there was a Scientology ad.
Even the car commercials dealt with more serious themes (fatherhood, the wisdom of the elderly) than your typical car/truck/SUV ad. Among those, the standout was Dodge's "Wisdom."
"Keep your eyes open and sometimes your mouth shut."
Always (the Maxi-pad company) didn't quite reach the heights of girl power that Goldie Box did last year, but they tried.
"[Running like a girl] means you run as fast as you can."
Turbo Tax's spot seemed fitting for a Super Bowl played (and won) by the New England Patriots, and surprisingly for a commercial for tax prep services, it wasn't boring!
But the major OMG Squeee Awww 111!!!111 moment of the night was of course brought to us by Budweiser. I mean, these commercials just get better and better each year.
So yeah, it was a really strange year for Super Bowl ads, but at least there were Clydesdales and puppies!
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