Friday, February 6, 2015

Survey/Interview...Haven't Done One of These in Quite Awhile

Since my Livejournal days, in fact when I used to take them a lot from Elizabeth, who tagged me to do this one! Memories.

I started filling this out a few days ago but never got around to completing it until now...

Four names that people call me:
  1. Emily
  2. Em
  3. Emmy Sue (nickname a coworker gave me; although no my middle name is not Sue)
  4. Pinky (high school nickname)
Four jobs I have had:
  1. sales associate/cashier
  2. editor
  3. admin. assistant
  4. pet sitter
Four movies I have seen more than once:
  1. Finding Nemo 
  2. Titanic
  3. Moulin Rouge
  4. Forrest Gump
Four books I’d recommend:
     1. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

     2. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
     3. Carry on Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton
     4. Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott 

 Four places I’ve lived:

  1. Lanham, MD
  2. surburban Baltimore, MD
  3. Ellicott City, MD
  4. N/A
Four places I have been:
  1. Bermuda
  2. the Bahamas
  3. Montreal, Canada
  4. France (Provence and Paris)
Four places I would rather be right now:
This question is hard because I'd rather be anywhere warm right now...but most of my family and friends are in places that are not so warm, and I don't know where specifically I'd really want to be. So...warm or near loved ones? Hmmm....

  1. family friend's outside of Orlando
  2. friends in Denver
  3. but a nice tropical island would be nice
  4. or on a cruise ship in warm waters (Hawaii??)
Four things I don’t eat:
  1. raw fish
  2. sardines
  3. liver
  4. cottage cheese
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. Ice cream or frozen yogurt of any kind
  2. avocados/guacamole
  3. Coconut
  4. chocolate
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
  1. a couple of hopeful trips (possibly Florida and Vegas)
  2. meeting a friend's newborn baby, and seeing the newborns of several acquaintances on facebook after they are born
  3. winter being over with...
  4. and the start of spring
Four things I say:
This is a hard one..."say" in what context? "Say" or "write"? Clearly my overthinking is not helping me here. Many of the things that I do say make me sound like a teenager; I have way to many "like's" and "ummms" in my speech along with things like "awesome" when I can't think of anything else to say. Buuuut....

  1. "But yeah.../so yeah..." It's not so much that I say this one, but that I write it. All the time. But yeah...
  2. "I know, right."
  3. "tuckus" My favorite non-curse word for the rear end. 
  4. One day at a time. 
Four people I’m tagging:   Naaah, not tagging, but anyone who feels like it should fill this out; I miss the fun diversion that is these survey/quiz/interview things. :)

    1 comment:

    1. We have somewhat similar food interests in our food lists; I also wouldn't eat the things you mentioned (though I did try sardines once; and I really dislike cottage cheese). I also like avocados and guacamole a lot (which is actually what I ate the sardines with).

      I was looking through some of my livejournal entries last week and found that I did these survey things quite often...
