Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 1 & 2

I admit to not being the most naturally "positive" person. While I have a lot to be thankful for, I more easily notice what's wrong than what's right. And without a conscious effort to break this pattern, I can get bogged down in negativity. So the "30 Days of Thankfulness" meme that goes around on Facebook this time of year seems like a good opportunity to remind myself of all the many things I do have to be thankful for.    

I'm already a day behind, so here's a two-fer. 

Day 1:

Since it was just Halloween, I am thankful for holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, I love all of them...except maybe Valentines Day. Holidays remind me that life should be celebrated, and for that I am thankful.

Day 2:

On a similar note, I am thankful for the seasons, and for living somewhere where I can experience all four seasons. I'm especially loving the fall leaves right now:


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